Interculturalism and space in literature and media. 8th International Colloquium in Romance and Comperative Literature
(Universities of Brno, Halle und Szeged)

Aus dem Vorwort:

Doctoral Programmes at Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Department of Romance Languages and Literatures/ Program of Literatures at the Graduate Academy), Masaryk University, Brno (Department of Romance Languages and Literatures) and the University of Szeged (Department. of Comparative Literature/ Doctoral School of Literatures) have been co-operating since 2000 in the form of regular conferences where professors of high international reputation as well as doctoral students reported about their current research and review the notions of culture, literature and media in national and comparative perspectives. […]

The eighth conference of this initiative took place in April 2013 at Stiftung Leucorea in Wittenberg and focused on interculturalism and space in literature and media. The presentations offered a wide range of topics discussing cultural interactions and the concept of ‘space’ in poetic and narrative texts and films in Europe and the Americas. […]

> zum Volltext

Árpád Éles


Peter Grüttner


Andrea Jacková


Ferenc Kocsis

Gudrun Lörincz, Studium der ungarischen Philologie, Germanistik und Hispanistik sowie Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Cluj Napoca, Saarbrücken
und Leipzig. Mitglied im Promotionsstudiengang Sprache – Literatur – Gesellschaft der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Promotionsstipendiatin der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Arbeit an einer Dissertation zum Thema Erinnerungstopographische Identitäts- und Gedächtnisstrategien bei transkulturellen Autorinnen.

Tijana Matijevic


Dénes Mátyás


Jan Darebný


Istvan Fried


Michael Schneider


Siegfried Schuster

Petra Stražovská


Jan Střítecký


Anne Sturm


Ágnes Takács


Imre Vígh